Monday, March 12, 2012

Last Chance Texas Master Naturalist Spring Training

The Texas Master Naturalist spring training class in Wichita Falls needs a minimum of 10 people to go. As of today, six have registered. If you want to take part in these classes and haven't registered, the deadline has been extended to Tuesday, March 13. Contact the Inland Fisheries office to register at 940-766-2383. If we don't get another 4 people tomorrow, the class will be cancelled.


  1. Wow. It is good to know that there are now a lot of relevant environmental training courses available to the public nowadays. I do wish that a lot more becomes interested in it. i hope that 6 who registered becomes 60 :)

  2. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the class as we didn't make the minimum numbers. This has happened once before and the following year we had a very large class. I hope that turns out to be the case again next year.
