Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Kitchen Composting

Happy New Year!

In my last post, I mentioned a compost bin I kept under the sink. I thought I would do a little review for those who may be interested.

Why send your kitchen scraps to the landfill? Here in Wichita Falls, you do have the option to put them into your organics container for the city composting operation, but I would rather make my own compost, when possible.

You could absolutely put your scraps in any container, but you will need to take the scraps out daily to avoid the smell and inviting critters you do not want into your home. Since I have a tendency to get distracted, a bin like this is a good idea.

My son-in-law chose the one in the photo to the right one year as a gift. It is stainless steel. I have seen many similar bins for the kitchen, but have only used this one. The brand name is Natural Home, if you want to check it out. The bin is 3 pieces: the actual bin, a lid with holes so air can circulate (you do not want any anaerobic action happening, trust me), and a charcoal filter that fits in the lid. It has a 1.3 gallon capacity, which is enough for most days. The instructions say the charcoal filter should be changed every month, but I have had mine for more than a year and have changed the filter once. I haven't had an issue with smell. 

You could put your scraps into the bin directly. I did find some compostable bags made of corn on Amazon that fit and use them. Mainly because I would take the bin outside and get distracted and leave the bin out in the weather, which it seemed to deal with just fine, but isn't very convenient when you need it in the kitchen. 

Using the bag, I can take the scraps out and take them to the garden and drop bag and all into a hole. Yes, I compost the lazy way--directly into the garden. More about that another time. The bags break down fairly quickly, so don't wait too long to take your scraps out or it will not hold up when you pull it out. But as long as take it out every couple of days, you should be fine.

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